The Analytical Drawing - Shotgun House

This analytical drawing depicts a Shotgun House from Japan. The Of House, Atelier Bowow differs from a tra-ditional Shotgun House by altering the traditional stra-ight shape with it‘s two adjacent compartments. The analytical drawing in architecture serves to represent an interpretative process. Its main aim is to study a gi-ven subject, through the use of one or more drawings, representing the graphic translation of an analytical thought. The role of this analytical drawing is to exa-mine, document and communicate only a few aspects of the building. These edited graphic depictions focus on particular characteristics of a building, including the way it lets in light, its cure structure from different plans, internal and external spatial elements and in-tended circulation within the structure, to better stu-dy and represent them individually or in sub- groups. Consequently, attention is paid to one or more aspects (isolated from the whole building) and analyzed th-rough one or more graphic works. The emphasis of the analytical drawing lies in the ability to distill the core design concepts of a building and convey the findings as simply and clearly as possible through visual means.


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