Hand of Society

My inspiration for this piece comes from political trends and certain psychological patterns that emerge from the shifts we observe in the US. I used a plaster casting method, along with clay for the physical hand and watercolor, acrylics and markers for the colors. The base of the hand represents society as a whole, with its muddy waters in the great blend that the merging and clashing cultures and ideologies create. The gray and red colors represent the capitalist system that defines a lot of our lives while caging our minds and existence. The chess-like pattern further underlines this structure that is created by the system and aims to accentuate the power that it holds over us with the purple nail (the color purple representing power). The mesh at the ends of the fingertips is meant to show the devolve of this system into an unrestricted anarchic society with the blue nail color representing the calm we find within ourselves and each other amongst the ensuing storm, the green nail being a renewal that comes after the chaos has its way with us and the two white nails left as a blank slate for us to make something better of ourselves and the world as a whole.

Dimensions: 14 x 13 cm

Medium: Acrylic on clay and plaster


Dove Love Glasses


Coming Soon...